Ruth's ministries was first thought of during the pandemic in 2020 but never became public until 2023-2024. The main purpose and mission of Ruth's ministries is to share the undiluted word of God in such a way that it can reach both believers and non-believers. Ruth's ministries was initially purposed to share spoken word poetry but as time went by and through prayer we have introduced other methods/strategies.
Ruth's Ministries is solely based on evangelizing and presenting God's words to you through
heart touching, spirit convicting and soul searching Poetry,
Pure and Sound Worship Music
with the aim of implementing more strategies.
Given the name Ruth's ministries, inspired by the bible character and it being a middle name of the founder ,it is one that portrays a message of Redemption, Mercy and love where we all can grow in Christ and walk humbly before God.
Spoken Word Poetry
Poetry speaks loud but the Word of God louder.Therefore,these two combine is Spoken Word Poetry, a force that can't be reckoned with ,with the aim of bringing across one,The message of Rdemption,Mercy and Love.
Worship Music
Music is powerful. The simple combination of the lyrics, the melody, the tune and everything with it. However ,Worship is a form of devotion. It is an expression of God's people pouring out their hearts to the one who gave them life with the intention of proclaiming his greatness and majesty. Worship
Ruth's ministry is ministry of the word. Built on the word and lead by the scriptures and spirit. However, is not just about poetry and music ,gifts that have been given by God. But it include strategies such as vital discussions and bible studies that are focused on sharing scriptures how they can be effectively implemented into our lives. In this time and age it is quite alarming how many Christians do not know the word of God, the most offensive weapon we have against the enemy. Therefore, Ruth's Ministries is bringing to you the Word in a creative format.
Ruth's Ministries embraces these 3 words, Redemption, Mercy, and Love. Why? Whenever someone comes to Christ they are no longer the same. They receive a new spirit, a new heart though their outer man remains the same. In addition to that Jesus stated in Matthew 8:12-13 that he came as for those who are sick (the lost) and he desires mercy and not sacrifice.
When Jesus began his ministry apart from preaching repentance he also preached the message of Love. He would often use parables-earthly stories with a heavenly meaning, to tell his disciples that he came not to abolish the law but to fulfil it and that Love is the fulfilling of the law.Not self-righteousness or any matter of works. To also add the enter book of John was not just written to share the gospel but to showcase how much God loves us by sending his only perfect son.